Che significa rake nel poker

Abbreviazioni da chat nel poker online Se frequentate poker room online, vi sarà certamente capitato di leggere in chat qualcosa del tipo gg, oppure lol, o ancora omg. Beh, se credevate fossero tasti battuti a caso, allora è il caso di arricchire il vostro vocabolario di abbreviazioni da chat. Poker Cash Game – Alcune mani con i pro | continue comparing the size of the rake in different poker networks and rooms. Following the American networks, in this article we will examine the European networks. Что такое рейк? Схемы начисления рейка покер-румами? Схемы начисления рейка покер-румами? Покер отличается от игры в автоматах или казино в первую очередь тем, что в нем идет противостояние участников между собой, а не состязание игрок-казино. И если во втором случае организатор зарабатывает на положительном для себя... Rake (poker) - Wikipedia Rake is the scaled commission fee taken by a cardroom operating a poker game. It is generally 2.5% to 10% of the pot in each poker hand, up to a predetermined maximum amount. There are also other non-percentage ways for a casino to take the rake. Rake - MPN

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Per rake si intende la percentuale che la poker room si ... non viene detratto alcun rake; No flop, no drop. Significa che se il piatto è vinto ... abbiamo pagato alla poker room che ci viene restituita nel nostro ... RAKE | definizione, significato - che cosa è RAKE nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge ... rake - definizione, significato, pronuncia audio, sinonimi e più ancora. Che cosa è rake? 1. a garden tool with a long handle and long, pointed metal parts sticking out in a row at the bottom, used for making the earth level ... rake people poker?? | Domande e Risposte | Forum

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Rake (poker) : Wikis (The Full Wiki) Rake (poker): Wikis. Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article!Rake is the scaled commission fee taken by a cardroom operating a poker game. It is generally 5 to 10 percent of the pot in each poker hand, up to a predetermined maximum amount... My thoughts on RAKE! | Daniel Negreanu's Poker Community My thoughts on RAKE! So for a while now there has been a misconception that I think raising the rake in poker games is “good for poker.” I’ve never actually said that, but I understand where the confusion may come from because I was talking about some things (facts) that a lot of pros don’t want to hear... Poker Rake |

Rake (poker) - Wikiwand

Рейк в покере Рейк (rake) – комиссионные, которые взимаются организатором (покер румом, казино) с каждой раздачи в кэш играх. Чаще это определенный процент от банка (с ограничением максимального размера), реже фиксированная сумма. What is rake in poker. Rake definition

"come cambia la rake in Francia e Spagna. Spin and Go saranno ... é o líder mundial em notícias e promoções de poker. Entre um clique e outro, seus visitantes encontrarão as últimas notícias da comunidade do poker, acompanharão as coberturas dos torneios ao vivo, terão acesso a vídeos exclusivos e contarão com uma extensa seção de análise das salas de poker online. Os melhores

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